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Learn it. Prove it.

This application is currently under development and is not accepting new sign ups at this time. Try out Track as a sample user below:

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Track is a learning tool built for you, not for some corporate entity.

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Community-driven learning paths provide learning opportunities that can mimic college education, work training, and personal fulfillment.

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Find pathways created by educators, curriculum designers, professionals, and hobbyists.

laptop displaying the use of the Track tool

Track was designed to put you in the driver's seat of your learning, while also allowing you to proove your understaning and share your accomplishments with the world.

As you complete your learning, you can add artifacts to back up your understanding and skills. Once you're ready, send the link to your portofolio for any given pathway. Potential employers, colleagues, and friends can verify you're learning by reveiwing your portfolio.

More Coming Soon!